Marcelino d.o.o., as of 3.7.2023, has received the ISO 9001 certificate for the quality management system we have implemented. We are certified for the business area of digital product development.

It was awarded to us by SIQ. The ISO 9001:2015 standard is built on the quality management principles used by successful organisations in the world today, both manufacturing and service. The standard is a summary of good business practice and as such is helpful to organisations that want to follow only the best. The standard sets out the requirements for a quality management system, and their application in practice enables organisations to demonstrate their ability to consistently deliver products and services in accordance with set requirements and to improve customer satisfaction, thus providing a basis for more successful business operations.

The company continuously manages and improves its business processes in a systematic way to achieve its objectives. By introducing the requirements of the standard into our business, we have acquired a tool that ensures the effective management of all business processes and their continuous improvement, and enables us to identify and meet customer requirements and expectations.

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